Lomba Desain Monumen Tempe

Ketentuan umum: Bersifat perorangan, umur 17-40th (pada 25 September 2015 ) WNI, berkedudukan di Indonesia selama lomba berlangsung Monumen untuk publik dibangun pada luas lahan 1000 m2 di Klaten-Jawa Tengah, dengan luas dasar monumen 10x10 meter, tinggi menyesuaikan Mengandung nilai budaya tempe Peserta bebas untuk menggunakan berbagai jenis material untuk bangunan monumen Karya yang diikutkan harus orisinil dan belum pernah dibuat dan/atau dipublikasikan Peserta boleh mengirimkan lebih dari 1 desain namun hanya 1 karya terbaik diantaranya yang akan dijadikan nominasi. Peserta yang terpilih sebagai nominator akan diminta untuk membuat scale model dengan skala 1:20 Kriteria penjurian meliputi : keaslian, keunikan, value, kelayakan realisasi, dan konsep ramah lingkungan Panitia berhak untuk menggunakan seluruh karya yang dikirimkan untuk kepentingan publikasi dan dokumentasi kegiatan. Hak cipta atas karya tetap menjadi milik masing-masing peserta lomba. Keputusan dewan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat Panitia berhak membatalkan/memutuskan status pemenang secara sepihak apabila di kemudian hari ditemukan penyimpangan dalam bentuk apapun yang dilakukan oleh pemenang.   Materi Lomba: Gambar...
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H4H Young Researcher Award 2015

H4H Young Researcher Award 2015 The Hydration for Health Initiative invites young researchers in the field of healthy hydration to submit abstracts focusing on novel research that contributes to the scientific field of hydration and health. Submission of abstracts is encouraged in, but not restricted to, the following areas: hydration markers, hydration and health in general and kidney health in particular, hydration and cognition, hydration, behaviour and well-being, fluid and water intake studies. See more at: http://www.h4hinitiative.com/h4h-academy/h4h-young-researcher-award/h4h-young-researcher-award-2015-call-abstracts#sthash.qWrlAnXG.dpuf...
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Pengumuman Urutan Juara Lomba Cipta Media Gizi Seimbang

No : PERGIZI/SK/039/I/2015 Hal : Keputusan Pemenang Lomba Cipta Media Gizi Seimbang 2015 Mempertimbangkan semua aspek penilian yang telah dilakukan kepada 620 karya yang masuk dari peserta Lomba Cipta Media Gizi Seimbang, dewan juri memutuskan daftar urutan juara tiap kategori Lomba Cipta Media Gizi Seimbang sebagai berikut. Juara Poster Umum: Asal Kota 1 Ahmad Muarif Serang 2 Rizal Sukmanagara Tasik 3 Andik Diantoro Bogor 4 Hasyim Ansyari Makassar 4 Oki Heryanto Jakarta Juara Poster Khusus: Asal Kota 1 Rafi Zulkanzi Yusriandy Madiun 2 Nuzulul Sakinatul Fitriah Yogyakarta 3 Nurcholis Depok 4 Novitasari Tribuana Tungga Dewi Temanggung 4 Puji Raharjo Lampung Juara Video Asal Kota 1 Anneke Wulansari Malang 2 Nauval Rifqy Ramadhan Bogor 3 Rizal Sukmanagara Tasikmalaya 4 Titis Pitaloka Djati Banyumas 4 Dewi Novia Sari Kulonprogo Juara Lagu: Asal Kota 1 Fahri Jakarta Selatan 2 drg.Dyah Surabaya 3 Danung Pratama Santoso Yogyakarta 4 Yafet Arie Nugroho Salatiga 4 Sekar Lintang D.H Semarang 4 Nanda Darius Bandung 4 David Siagian Jakarta Timur 4 Agif Rubiyanto Sumedang Juara Jingle: Asal Kota 1 Sonny Sunarno Basuki Bandung 2 Moh Ganjar Prabowo Semarang 3 Tauhid Subarkah Jakarta 4 Kukuh Areta Putra Yogyakarta 4 Agif Rubiyanto Sumedang Juara Games Asal Kota 1 Margareta Retri Bogor 2 Kevin Adrianus Bogor 3 Natasha Nurul Annisa Yogyakarta 4 Maulid Doni Rahman Bogor 4 Noor Salamah Semarang Juara 1 dari masing-masing kategori Lomba Cipta Media Gizi Seimbang akan diundang untuk menerima penghargaan dan hadiah dalam peringatan Hari Gizi Nasional 2015 di Balai Kartini-Jakarta, pada tanggal 24 Februari 2015. Akomodasi dan transportasi akan ditanggung oleh pihak panitia.   Hadiah untuk selain juara 1 akan kami transfer ke rekening bank masing-masing yang telah diinformasikan kepada kami.   Keputusan juri ini bersifat mengikat dan tidak...
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Pengumuman 5 Besar Lomba Cipta Media Gizi Seimbang

Setelah melalui penjurian yang ketat dari total 620 karya yang masuk, diputuskan sebagai berikut: Lima (5) besar nominator juara tiap kategori (belum final ditentukan urutan Juara 1 sampai dengan juara harapan, urutan di tabel tidak menentukan titel Juara) terdapat di tabel di bawah, kecuali untuk lagu terdapat 8 besar nominator. Juara akan ditentukan setelah melihat respon khalayak ramai atas karya nominator. Karya akan disematkan dalam bentuk link di media PERGIZI PANGAN Indonesia (Twitter @PERGIZI dan Facebook: facebook.com/PERGIZI). Respon bisa dalam bentuk komentar, share & like (Facebook) atau RT dan Retweet di Twitter . Karya nominator akan di sebarluaskan melalui media sosial Twitter @PERGIZI dan Facebook: facebook.com/PERGIZI selama 15-21 Februari 2015. Keputuasan final akan diumukan tanggal 21 Februari 2015 pukul 19.00 WIB melalui telepon dan email. Juara 1 di tiap kategori akan diundang untuk menerima penghargaan di Peringatan Hari Gizi Nasional di Balai Kartini, Jakarta tanggal 24 Februari 2015. Biaya transportasi akan ditanggung oleh panitia. Juara 1, 2 dan 3 di...
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The 13th OESO Conference

The 13th OESO Conference will take place in Monaco on August 31 - September 3, 2015. It will offer a multi-disciplinary approach on “Emerging issues in health and disease”, with experiment and theory translated through technology development to clinics. The congress website is: http://www.oeso.org , and the program at a glance is already available at: http://www.oeso.org/monaco_conference2015/scientific-program.html   ...
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A competitive travel grant (return economy class airline tickets) from the FOOD AND NUTRITION SOCIETY (PERGIZI PANGAN) of Indonesia awarded to selected members of the society who were accepted to be oral presenters at ACN2015 in Yokohama 14-18 May 2015 Requirements: He/she is a member of FOOD AND NUTRITION SOCIETY (PERGIZI PANGAN) Indonesia His/her abstract accepted to be an oral presentation at ACN2015 (please upload the print screen of the confirmation email from the committee of ACN2015) His/her abstract was derived from an original study from Indonesia He/she already paid the registration fee to ACN2015 (please upload the print screen of the confirmation email from the committee of ACN2015) He/she is not received a sponsor or travel grant/award from ACN2015 or other institutions. The recipient should return the money equal to the price of the airline ticket if in the future he/she identified received a travel sponsors from the others. He/she is agree to put the logo The FOOD AND NUTRITION...
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International Symposium on Food & Nutrition (ISFAN) 2015

INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOOD AND NUTRITION (ISFAN) 2015 FOOD AND NUTRITION FOR SUSTAINABLE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 3rd-5th June 2015 BACKGROUND One of the challenges facing by the global community today is malnutrition (under- and over-nutrition). This problem is not merely among the lower socio-economic group but also among the upper middle socio-economic group, which mostly live in Asian and African countries. Malnutrition affects people health and well-being by infecting negatively on imune system, human physical and cognitive development; increasing suscepbility to communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Restricting the attainment of human potential and reducing productivity as well as poses a high burden in the form of social and economic consequences to individual, families, communities and nations. Currently, as much as 63% of deaths caused by NCDs. Every year there are nearly 9 million people die caused by NCDs. Actually NCDs are preventable through better diet and lifestyle; they should be prevented to minimize the negative impacts. In addition, climate change such...
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Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition (APCCN) 2015

The Nutrition Society of Malaysia is honoured and pleased to welcome you to the 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition (9 APCCN), to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 26-29 January 2015. In cognizance of the prevailing nutritional disorders across the Asia-Pacific region, we have chosen to take on the theme: "Prevention and management of diseases through the life cycle: The role of nutrition and physical activity" for the Conference. 9th APCCN will provide a platform for clinicians, nutritionists, dietitians and other health-care professionals to deliberate, exchange views and experiences in tackling the prevailing under- and over-nutrition problems that is affecting the young and old alike. We anticipate a great deal of useful information can be drawn from the pool of expertise that will gather. We envisage valuable learnings can be gained for the prevention and management of these disorders. We invite you to join us in this 3-day action-oriented conference. Details of the 9 APCCN are available at the...
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